
Each Tantric Touch Session is different and unique, a reflection of your needs and desires. The session is designed to be a deep meditative experience facilitated by touch rather than words; touch that is given with acceptance, love, and compassion. During the Tantric Touch Session, you will experience having the most erogenous organ of the body stimulated, your skin.

The touch techniques used are designed to help heat the body, increase blood flow, and heighten ones sensitivity. In preparation, I ask the recepient to relax deeply, focus on her breath, and allow herself to be as fully present as possible.  As the session progresses, the body warms and the muscles and joints relax deepening your mindful state. Through this experience, the recipient gains greater awareness of her physical, emotional, and energetic self. Most sessions last 2-3 hours.


I can touch you only to the extent that you are comfortable and ready to be touched. There is no invasion of a boundary you aren’t ready to cross. This is your exploration of yourself, your awakening, and your experience.

For information about TL and the evolution of the Tantric Touch session read TL's Story.