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Women: Dance!

The dance we do has no name;

There are no set steps.

Each time it’s done,

It’s unique.

This is your dance,

Without music, or form, or intention.


Fear, uncertainty, and doubt; hope, security, and faith; all of these must be released to the dance. None of them can remain inside of you. Strip them away until you are left without music, form, or intention. Bare yourself naked until all you have left is breath. Now, goddess, you are ready to dance. 


So many of the women I see fill their lives with doing for others, caring for the people in their lives: children, husbands, parents, friends.  They do so much for the people around them because of the unconditional love they feel.  Because of the duty and responsibility they carry for the well being of others.


How often do you set aside your own feelings. Forgetting the stiffness, the cold, the little pains, so you can be there fully for those you love. You may find yourself doing too much, feeling exhausted from taking care of family and home while working a job, or just caring so much for everyone it begins to overwhelm. But, at night, you’ll still set that aside, make dinner, listen to a daughter’s story, or a  husband’s gripe. There’s no time for dwelling on oneself after all; you have so much to do, so much to give to those around you.


But your needs don’t just disappear. When do you get to dance your dance?


The dance I speak of is the dance inside of you. It is the perfect freedom you know. It’s the dance you experienced.  The dance of your true self. When all the thoughts, the desires, the pains, the distractions that take you away from just the breath filling your body are gone. All the feminine power, all the energy that is there deep inside of you makes this dance.


And, yes, there are no steps to this dance. It’s a dance that cannot be choreographed because in the moment you move it changes you; as you change so the dance changes. This is the dance of perfect freedom and of chaos. It is anarchy of movement that embraces you because giving into it you are carried away to lose all sense of self. All that’s left is breath, nothing else.


Inside this space where your dance happens there is no time. No forward or backward; no tomorrow or yesterday. There is no tense to this verb other than the present. You dance.


Many will take a pass and not allow themselves this moment. The fear that stops many from listening to their inner self when it tells them they are ready prevent them. The uncertainty that causes so many to question what they hear stop others. The doubt makes them feel that they can’t do it, the lie that this isn’t in you, halt some.


And then there are the few who take the plunge.


But, this is base jumping with no parachute. Leaving the parachute on means you’ll never experience the fall, the impact, and find out that you are immortal. If you jump into the dance with hope you still aren’t listening. You’ve just got the iPod on now. The inner self is lost in the din. If you wrap yourself in armor, protection, back-up plans, then you’ve given up the possibility of true discovery. Of getting so lost, so far from the path, you find out that there was a way you could never have conceived of. If you give into the experience with faith then you have only blinded yourself. Now you can’t see, your senses are dulled. Even as you dance only a murmur of what you are comes through.


This is the dance of abandonment.  The dance where fear, uncertainty, doubt, hope, security, and faith are gone.  This is your dance.  This is you.





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